Project Consortium.
Knowledge and expertise to make a difference.
Project partners consisting of organisations with diverse expertise form the backbone of the STEP-IN transnational, multidisciplinary network. The partners cooperate to achieve the project objectives, sharing experience and know-how to develop results with complementary skills. STEP-IN brings together partners with different backgrounds and from different European regions, representing a variety of different forms of energy poverty and approaches to tackle it.
This consortium provides a broad and complementary coverage of the needed capabilities, the geographic balance, and strategic motivation to succeed. A long history of previous collaboration provides the basis for an effective implementation of the project.
The partners are committed to bring their knowledge and expertise to the project to really make a difference in the lives of those in need.

Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
STEP-IN is led by LIST, a multidisciplinary research and technology organisation, with sound knowledge and expertise in the fields of energy systems, built environment and IT based behaviour change.

Rod McCall
STEP-IN Coordinator, Lead Researcher

Ulrich Leopold
Senior Research Associate for Geocomputation

Daniel Koster
Senior R&T Associate

Antonino Marvuglia
Senior R&T Associate
The University of Manchester
UMAN provides a long history of world-leading expertise and research experience into the underlying causes, consequences and solutions to energy poverty and can leverage on extensive contacts with policy-makers and energy poverty NGOs throughout Europe.

Stefan Bouzarovski
Professor of Geography

Neil Simcock
Lecturer Geography
National Technical University of Athens
NTUA is one of the main actors in the field of energy poverty in Greece, with profound expertise in gathering qualitative and quantitative primary and secondary research data in this area. Especially as regards the mountainous areas, NTUA is systematically investigating their particular natural and socioeconomic characteristics, and supports the development of sustainable policies for these areas.

Dimitrios Kaliampakos

Dimitrios Damigos
Associate Professor

Nikolas Katsoulakos
VAASAETT has expertise in providing consultancy and professional assistance dedicated to customer behaviour and competitive market dynamics in the energy industry, and is well experienced with regards to the implementation of national strategies and policies. Through its collaborative model and an extensive network of energy practitioners around the world, VaasaETT are uniquely placed to contribute to stakeholder engagement and dialogue and to maximise the impact of the dissemination activities.

Konstantinos Kanellos
B2B Communication Expert
ARTTIC is a company of the PNO Consultants group, the leading European management services firm for collaborative RDI undertakings with long experience in collaboration management and dissemination and a broad network of contacts in the European research and innovation community. ARTTIC is a dedicated neutral partner in supporting the coordinator in the project management of STEP-IN and providing dissemination logistics.

Balazs Kern
Project Manager

Audrey Bretaud-Kelle
Project Manager
Ariosz Szolgaltato Informatikai Estanacsado Korlatolt Felelossegu Tarsasag
ARIOSZ is an organisation specialised in social and market research with focus on consumer behaviour and with deep knowledge in the fields of survey design, impact evaluation and assessment.

Zoltán Kmetty
International Research Director
Greater Manchester Combined Authority
GMCA is a Manchester local authority with long lasting experience in energy poverty prevention and alleviation schemes, characterised by different strategic and policy approaches to tackle energy poverty.

Sam Evans
Magyar Máltai Szeretetszolgalat Egyesulet
MALTAI is a national charity organisation active in the areas of health, social and child welfare, thus representing energy poor consumers. Through the national association MALTAI is part of the Sovereign Order of Malta, and has global outreach.

Gabor Major
Program Manager
Rythmistiki Arhi Energias (Regulatory Authority for Energy)
RAE is the independent regulator for all Greek energy markets and will provide impactful suggestions for national policy measures for vulnerable consumers.

Dionysios Papachristou
Director Press and Public Relations Office
Municipality of Metsovo
MM is a Greek local authority with long lasting experience in energy poverty prevention and alleviation schemes, characterised by different strategic and policy approaches to tackle energy poverty.

Konstantinos Tzafeas
E.ON Eszak-Dunantuli Aramhalozati Zartkoruen Mukodo ZRT (E.ON EED)
E.ON EED is providing gas and electricity to a large part of Western Hungary, and as part of Hungary’s leading energy company is well recognised and renowned in the European energy sector.

Istvan Hornyak
Head of Department

Bernadett Toth

Anita Kaszas

Helga Darvas

Judit Gazda
Associazione Italiana Difesa Consumatori E Ambiente
Adiconsum is one of the main consumer organisations in Italy, providing consumers with individual and collective advice and assistance services to protect and promote their rights and interests all around Europe, thanks to its several national and European networks.

University of Surrey
SURREY has unique expertise in the area of energy economics, and in particular extensive knowledge regarding possible rebound effects related to energy efficiency initiatives.

Mona Chitnis
Senior Lecturer in Energy Economics and Director of SEEC