STEP-IN Timeline
STEP-IN project launch
STEP-IN officially started on June 1, 2018.
Kick-off meeting
All STEP-IN partners came together for the project’s kick-off meeting in Manchester, UK on June 14-15, 2018. Fruitful discussions among the partners and with the EASME Project Officer and interaction with local organisations working with vulnerable consumers provided motivation to collaborate on the important topic of energy poverty.
Living Lab meeting
The partners running the Living Labs in STEP-IN have met in Budapest on February 14-15, 2019 to discuss methodologies, benchmarking and the first phase of the Living Labs which has just started in February.
Start of Living Labs Phase 1
1st Energy Café Rural Living Lab, Nyirbator, Hungary
Network of Interest
Circulation of questionnaires to members
Network of Interest
Questionnaire analysis
2nd Energy Café held in our Rural Living Lab in Nyirbator (Hungary)
2nd Energy Café held in our Urban Living Lab in Manchester (UK)
Start of Living Labs Phase 2
STEP-IN attends the European Utility Week in Paris, France
STEP-IN was present at the European Utility Week (EUW) 2019 in Paris, France on November 12-14th. Three STEP-IN members participated: Konstantinos Kanellos (VaasaETT) and Audrey Bretaud-Kelle (ARTTIC) met with EUW attendees and presented the project at the EU project zone while Nikolas Katsoulakos (NTUA) gave a presentation about the project in the “Democratizing Energy” plenary session.
General Assembly Meeting in Budapest, Hungary
The second STEP-IN General Assembly Meeting was held right after the Winter School in Budapest, Hungary at our partner MALTAI premises on November 29th, 2019.
This GA was the opportunity to reflect on the first Winter School and on the first round of the Living Lab, as well as to discuss upcoming events organised by the project in 2020.
Winter school #1
3rd Energy Café held in our Mountain Living Lab, Metsovo, Greece
4th Energy Café to be held in our Rural Living Lab in Nyirbator (Hungary)
Stakeholder workshop #2
@national conference
Start of Living Labs Phase 3
Consumer organisation conference
This conference will be organised by ADICONSUM in Italy.
National conference in Greece
The national conference will be held at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA).
Summer school #2
@national conference
Stakeholder workshop #3
@final workshop