Related Projects and Activities
on Energy Poverty.

EAPN, in partnership with 10 other organisations from 6 European countries (Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Poland, Belgium and Finland), and working with members of their National Networks in these countries & others, is working on the three-year project ‘Together4Energy, Networking and Action to Tackle Vulnerability Together’. This project, funded by the European Commission under the H2020 programme, will address both energy and social issues, as fuel poverty is not only an energy concern nor can it be tackled in isolation of the bigger issue of poverty.
Countries across the EU are focusing their efforts on reducing CO2 emissions to meet their goals. Luxembourg is a small country with a large CO2 footprint, leading to strong local interest in initiatives to improve energy efficiency. LIST is a partner in MUSIC, an INTERREG IVB project focused on decreasing CO2 emissions in urban areas that is creating new urban planning tools that can promote more sustainable development in Luxembourg and across Europe.
European Energy Poverty: Agenda Co-Creation and Knowledge Innovation (ENGAGER 2017-2021) is a research network funded via the European Co-operation in Science and Technology (COST) scheme. It is aimed at developing and strengthening an international community of researchers and practitioners focused on combating energy poverty – a condition typically manifested by the inability to secure adequate levels of domestic energy services (such as heating, lighting, cooling, appliances).
EU Energy Poverty Observatory
The EU Energy Poverty Observatory (EPOV) is a 40 month project that commenced in December 2016. Its principal mission is to engender transformational change in knowledge about the extent of energy poverty in Europe, and innovative policies and practices to combat it. The creation of an Energy Poverty Observatory is part of the European Commission’s policy efforts to address energy poverty across EU countries.
ASSIST offers a two-way approach to the problem of energy poverty: active engaging of consumers in the energy market, and a positive change of behaviour in relation to energy consumption and to influence design of policy at all levels to tackle energy poverty issues.The starting point of the project is the generation of in depth knowledge on consumer vulnerability and, more specifically, on energy poverty, as there is still no clear and unique definition for its identification and measuring. ASSIST builds on the results of various national and European level initiatives related to energy efficiency funded by different programmes.
STEP Project
Solutions to Tackle Energy Poverty (STEP) is a project to develop a simple, innovative and replicable model of measures to address energy poverty. The project covers some of the countries with the highest rates of energy poverty in Europe. These are Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia and the United Kingdom. STEP’s overall objective is to alleviate energy poverty by encouraging behavioural change and low-cost energy efficiency solutions among consumers in or at risk of energy poverty through trusted, tailored advice.
SocialWatt aims to enable obligated parties under Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive across Europe to develop, adopt, test and spread innovative schemes to alleviate energy poverty. The appropriate tools developed within the framework of SocialWatt aim to help utilities and energy suppliers effectively identify energy poor households, as well as develop and monitor schemes that focus on increasing the energy efficiency of these houses.
The WELLBASED team will develop, test and evaluate new innovative health-focused approaches to alleviate energy poverty amongst the most vulnerable and disadvantaged. At the same time it will promote energy-efficient behaviours and reduce energy demand in those households. The measures will address this problem both from an individual, i.e. behavioural and a socio-political perspective, i.e. through regulations and urban planning.