STEP-IN Media Center.

STEP-IN Final Event on 13 April 2021
After 34 months, STEP-IN is coming to and end and the Consortium is very honored to invite you to our final event on April, 13th, 2021 from 9AM onwards. This final event will be the opportunity to present the final results of our project that have not been published...

Living Lab Fact Sheets released
STEP-IN has released fact sheets for all three Living Labs. The fact sheets provide an overview of the context, working methods and results of the STEP-IN Living Labs in the UK, Greece and Hungary. The fact sheets are available for download here.
STEP-IN Video released
The STEP-IN partners have released a project video providing insights on the project's goals, its methodology and results.

Last Meeting of the Hungarian Project Team
Shortly before the official end of the STEP-IN project, the Hungarian project team organised its last webinar on 24th March 2021. The aim of the meeting was to summarise the project results and to discuss the methodological challenges the project partners faced in the...

STEP-IN Network of Interest Academia and Think Tanks Workshop
STEP-IN is organising an online workshop which will specifically focus on academia and think tanks representatives working with vulnerable communities across Europe. The workshop will take place on Tuesday, 9 March 2021 at 11:00 CET. During the workshop,...

STEP-IN Network of Interest Consumer and Advocacy Groups Workshop successfully concluded
STEP-IN has successfully concluded its online workshop specifically focusing on consumer and advocacy groups working with vulnerable communities across Europe on 3 March 2021. 15 persons representing consumer and advocacy groups but also academia and public...

STEP-IN Network of Interest Consumer and Advocacy Groups Workshop
STEP-IN is organising an online workshop which will specifically focus on consumer and advocacy groups working with vulnerable communities across Europe. The workshop will take place on Wednesday, 3 March 2021 at 15:00 CET. Laura Galli and Francesco Luiseof Adiconsum...

THE RIGHT TO FAIR ENERGY ACCESS – STEP-IN reports its achievements in the International Conference on February 18th
Almost three years of work, in 7 countries, with highly satisfying results in terms of social impact and a relevant set of lessons learnt. Despite the last 10 months of pandemics, challenging face to face activities, the 3 Living Labs of the project reached an...
STEP-IN partners’ interview from Canale Energia
Several of STEP-IN partners have been interviewed by our Italian Network of Interest Canale Energia and has produced a full-lenght paper presenting our project. This interview has been translated from Italian to English and is now available to download below. STEP-IN...

Right to Energy Forum 1st-3rd December 2020
It is with great pleasure that we announce our participation in the upcoming Right to Energy Forum. STEP-IN Partner National Technical University of Athens will present the Greek Living Lab and discuss energy poverty in their country.The presentation will be part of...

Great success for the 1st National Web Conference on Energy Poverty!
The “First Web Conference on Energy Poverty” was organised on Thursday, November 19th 2020, by the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and the Greek Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE). With over 220 people attending, the conference was a great success...

Hungarian Living Lab visits primary school to discuss energy efficiency!
Low energy literacy is a key factor of energy wasting. If we can educate the young generation on how to use energy properly we can achieve really long-term effects, and we achieve a small step within the STEP-IN project. Indeed, our Energy Advisors visited the primary...

7th Energy Café held in our rural Living Lab in Hungary!
The Hungarian Living Lab held its 7th Energy Café, at Nyírbátor (Hungary), on 4th November, 2020. 11 people participated in the Energy Cafe held in Nyírbátor, with sanitary measures ensured. There was a live discussion around heating problems. Indeed, firewood is a...

1st NTUA National Energy Poverty Web Conference
The 1st National Energy Poverty Web Conference will be held on November 19, 2020, In Greece. The Conference by the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and the Greek Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE) is organized in the context of the H2020 STEP-IN...

STEP-IN Network of Interest Industrial Working Group Workshop
STEP-IN is organising an online workshop which will specifically focus on industrial representatives working with vulnerable communities across Europe. The workshop will take place on Friday, 20 November 2020 at 13:00 CET. István Hornyak, E.ON Head of Energy...
STEP-IN participates in the Hero at Home campaign!
We are honoured to announce STEP-IN’s participation in the relaunching of the Hero at Home campaign, in collaboration with the UtilitEE, TripleA-reno, eTeacher, NRG2PEERS and Save the Homes projects. The campaign was originally launched in April 2020 and, after a...

NTUA participates in 5th HAEE Energy Transition Symposium: “GLOBAL AND LOCAL PERSPECTIVES”
Our Greek partner NTUA, who runs the Mountain Living Lab in Metsovo, Greece, participated in the 5th HAEE Energy Transition Symposium which was entitled “GLOBAL AND LOCAL PERSPECTIVES” this year. The event was held online on September 30 –October 2, 2020. NTUA's...
Hungarian Living Lab successfully holds its 5th Energy Café!
The Hungarian Living Lab successfully held its 5th Energy Café, at Nyirkáta (Hungary), on September, 10th, 2020. Around 40 participated in the Energy Cafe held in Nyírkáta, Hungary and more than half of the participants signed up for home energy visits within the...

Hungarian Living Lab: Focus group held in Nyírbátor on Sept 11, 2020
Our Hungarian Living Lab held a focus group in Nyírbátor with several participants to discuss the local challenges in the northern part of the area on September 11th, 2020. There is no general solution when it comes to deal with energy poverty, as every community...

STEP-IN Network of Interest Local and Regional Authorities Working Group Workshop
On 28 September, STEP-IN partner Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) convened representatives from all 10 local authorities within the city-region to discuss best practice in locally-led initiatives to tackle fuel poverty. The event was held as part of the...
New Energy Saving Tips Booklet from our Greek Living Lab!
A new booklet that provides useful energy saving tips was developed in the framework of the STEP-IN project and is available today for the households of Metsovo (Greece) and beyond! Measures for home energy efficiency improvements, advices to reduce your heating...

STEP-IN second Summer School successfully held virtually from July 6th to 7th 2020
The STEP-IN second Summer School was successfully held from July 6th to 7th 2020 with the support of Greek STEP-IN partners NTUA and RAE. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the meeting originally planned in Metsovo (the Greek Mountain Living Lab), took place online. The...

STEP-IN Network of Interest Workshop with Practitioners successfully concluded
STEP-IN has successfully carried out its Network of Interest Workshop on 30th June 2020 as a virtual meeting, where 22 stakeholders attended, mainly from practitioner organisations. This first part of the second phase of the STEP-IN Network of...

STEP-IN featured by the European Commission
The European Commission's Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME) has featured STEP-IN in their recent news post titled "Supporting vulnerable households in tackling energy poverty" together with the STEP project. Both projects are funded by by Horizon 2020 Energy...

STEP-IN Network of Interest Online Workshop
STEP-IN is organising an online workshop which will specifically focus on practitioners working with vulnerable communities across Europe. The workshop will take place on Tuesday, 30 June 2020 at 16:00 CET. Stefan Bouzarovski, University of Manchester, and Chair of...

Online Round Table on Energy Poverty in Greece
On Thursday 18 June, an online round table entitled “Energy Poverty in Greece: Quantification, Monitoring and Alleviation Policies” was organised. This online event was an initiative within STEP-IN, co-organised by the project partner National Technical University of...

Covid-19: Restarting Living Labs Work
STEP-IN is pleased to announce that the Living Lab operations in Manchester (UK), Nyírbátor (Hungary), and Metsovo (Greece) have resumed after the suspension since mid-March 2020 caused by Covid-19 (more information here) In the light of the current situation, work is...

COVID-19: Suspension of all our Living Labs activities
Dear partners, collaborators, and network, The STEP-IN project has always put the safety and wellbeing of the public and its project members first. Therefore, because of the outbreak of COVID-19, it is with regret that we announce the suspension of all three Living...

4th Energy Café in our Hungarian Living Lab
The Hungarian LL successfully held its 4th Energy Café, at Nyirpilis, on March, 9th, 2020. The main topic of the event was the safe access to energy sources as well as possible ways to reduce heating costs. Through this event, we were able to reach a lot of new...
Interested to watch actual field work in our Rural Living Lab in Nyirbator, Hungary? Check out this video!
Within our Rural Living Lab in Nyírbátor area in Hungary, the energy supplier E.ON is helping consumers in need through prepaid electricity meters to prevent further indebtedness and unsafe energy consumption practices. Check out the video below for more insights on...

The second mountainous energy café successfully took place in Metsovo
On Saturday, January 25th, 2020, the second energy café of the mountainous Living Lab of STEP-IN project was held in the hospitable Metsovo City Hall, in the presence of the Mayor. The main theme of the event was the presentation of the results of the first round of...

STEP-IN winter school in Budapest: November 26-28, 2019
The first STEP-IN Winter School was successfully held in Budapest, Hungary on from November 26th to November 28th 2019 with the support of our local partners ARIOSZ, MALTAI and E.ON. The first two days of the Winter School were dedicated to interactive workshops with...

STEP-IN at European Utility Week, November 12-14: Watch recording of STEP-IN presentation!
STEP-IN was present at the European Utility Week (EUW) which took place in Paris on November 12-14, 2019. Audrey Bretaud-Kelle (ARTTIC), Konstantinos Kanellos (VaasaETT) and Nikolas Katsoulakos (NTUA) presented the project at a booth in the European...

New STEP-IN booklet available for download
STEP-IN has prepared a new booklet for the European Utility Week that took place in Paris from November 12-14, 2019. STEP-IN was present at EUW in the EU Projects Zone and answered questions by interested visitors. The booklet is now available for download here below...

Successful energy café held in Nyírbátor
The annual expo "Nyírbátor city days" was held in Nyírbátor on September 20-22, 2019. The STEP-IN project was also represented at the event by local partners Ariosz, Maltai and E.on. Citizens who were interested had the opportunity to learn about the services they...
Check out STEP-IN’s third newsletter!
Our third newsletter is out! Please have a look to find out what’s going on and what’s to come for our STEP-IN project! This newsletter allows you to stay up-to-date with the latest news and results from our 3 living labs, and to be aware of any upcoming events! If...

Come meet us and hear about STEP-IN at EUSEW in Brussels!
Launched in 2006 by the European Commission, the EUSEW is organised by the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) in close cooperation with Directorate-General for Energy. European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is a month-long series of...

Successful first STEP-IN Network of Interest workshop and GA meeting
The STEP-IN project held its first annual General Assembly meeting with all project partners at partner RAE's premises in Athens, Greece on 29-30 May. At the same time STEP-IN discussed the topic of energy poverty with many experts from across Europe in its first...
STEP-IN Network of Interest 1st Workshop now registered as an Energy Day event through EUSEW!
Our first STEP-IN Network of Interest workshop is approaching and will be held in Athens (GR) at partner RAE facility on May 29th, 2019. The objectives of this first STEP-IN Network of Interest workshop are to:Introduce the project and its methodology to...

The project’s second newsletter is out!
Our second newsletter is out! Please have a look to find out what's going on and what's to come for our STEP-IN project! This newsletter allows you to stay up-to-date with the latest news and results from our 3 living labs, and to be aware of any upcoming events!...