New Energy Saving Tips Booklet from our Greek Living Lab!
A new booklet that provides useful energy saving tips was developed in the framework of the STEP-IN project and is available today for the households of Metsovo (Greece) and beyond! Measures for home energy efficiency improvements, advices to reduce your heating...

STEP-IN second Summer School successfully held virtually from July 6th to 7th 2020
The STEP-IN second Summer School was successfully held from July 6th to 7th 2020 with the support of Greek STEP-IN partners NTUA and RAE. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the meeting originally planned in Metsovo (the Greek Mountain Living Lab), took place online. The...

STEP-IN Network of Interest Workshop with Practitioners successfully concluded
STEP-IN has successfully carried out its Network of Interest Workshop on 30th June 2020 as a virtual meeting, where 22 stakeholders attended, mainly from practitioner organisations. This first part of the second phase of the STEP-IN Network of...

STEP-IN featured by the European Commission
The European Commission's Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME) has featured STEP-IN in their recent news post titled "Supporting vulnerable households in tackling energy poverty" together with the STEP project. Both projects are funded by by Horizon 2020 Energy...

STEP-IN Network of Interest Online Workshop
STEP-IN is organising an online workshop which will specifically focus on practitioners working with vulnerable communities across Europe. The workshop will take place on Tuesday, 30 June 2020 at 16:00 CET. Stefan Bouzarovski, University of Manchester, and Chair of...

Online Round Table on Energy Poverty in Greece
On Thursday 18 June, an online round table entitled “Energy Poverty in Greece: Quantification, Monitoring and Alleviation Policies” was organised. This online event was an initiative within STEP-IN, co-organised by the project partner National Technical University of...

Covid-19: Restarting Living Labs Work
STEP-IN is pleased to announce that the Living Lab operations in Manchester (UK), Nyírbátor (Hungary), and Metsovo (Greece) have resumed after the suspension since mid-March 2020 caused by Covid-19 (more information here) In the light of the current situation, work is...

COVID-19: Suspension of all our Living Labs activities
Dear partners, collaborators, and network, The STEP-IN project has always put the safety and wellbeing of the public and its project members first. Therefore, because of the outbreak of COVID-19, it is with regret that we announce the suspension of all three Living...

4th Energy Café in our Hungarian Living Lab
The Hungarian LL successfully held its 4th Energy Café, at Nyirpilis, on March, 9th, 2020. The main topic of the event was the safe access to energy sources as well as possible ways to reduce heating costs. Through this event, we were able to reach a lot of new...
Interested to watch actual field work in our Rural Living Lab in Nyirbator, Hungary? Check out this video!
Within our Rural Living Lab in Nyírbátor area in Hungary, the energy supplier E.ON is helping consumers in need through prepaid electricity meters to prevent further indebtedness and unsafe energy consumption practices. Check out the video below for more insights on...