STEP-IN is organising an online workshop which will specifically focus on practitioners working with vulnerable communities across Europe. The workshop will take place on Tuesday, 30 June 2020 at 16:00 CET.

Stefan Bouzarovski, University of Manchester, and Chair of the EU Energy Poverty Observatory will focus on existing best practices to tackle energy poverty across Europe and will launch a discussion with participant practitioners on how scalable and replicable these practices are, according to the needs and constraints observed during the implementation of the project Living Labs, but also taking into account the different geographical contexts.

Stefan Goemaere will present the Papillon project, Slavica Robic will share best practices from the Društvo za oblikovanje održivog razvoja (DOOR) initiative, and Monica Guiteras will showcase her work within the Alliance against Energy Poverty.

The project partners invite all practitioners operating in the field of energy poverty to participate in its Practitioners Working Group workshop to

  • familiarise yourselves with best practices currently implemented across the EU
  • discuss challenges encountered as well as a potential future roles for practitioners
  • contribute to the project’s policy recommendations

Registration is open at

Join the STEP-IN Network of Interest here

This event is part of the digital Energy Days within the EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW). For more information on the Energy Days and EUSEW please visit